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Re: Kauneimmat ja komeimmat rikolliset

Posted: Thu Apr 08, 2021 4:22 pm
by Vulvados
Aika mukava kokoelma tasapuolisesti eri sukupuolia: ... n-history/

Oma "lempparini" olisi ehkä ko. listan kolmonen eli romanialaissyntyinen "musta leski" Vera Renczi, joka oli ilmeisen aktiivinen edellisellä 20-luvulla, vaikka tiedot hänestä hieman epätarkoilta ja -varmoilta tuntuvatkin... :roll:


Considered one of the most beautiful women in the world at the time, Romanian-born Vera Renczi was known for being boy crazy, running away with multiple lovers in her early teens. It seems that thirsty nature of hers never abated, except she chose to keep her men with her forever – by poisoning them. One of the original black widows, Renczi confessed to taking the lives of no less than 35 individuals, including her two husbands, multiple lovers, and her own son – who discovered what she was doing – throughout the 1920s, using the poison of the day, arsenic.

Her reason for committing these nefarious acts? Jealousy and insecurity. Apparently, every time she suspected the eye of her lover wandering, she would serve him up a glass of arsenic-laced wine – before setting him into a zinc-lined coffin for his eternal rest.

Lisää hänestä mm. täällä:

Tarkennus: Taitaakin olla tarua koko juttu :roll:,mutta so not, ei anneta tosiasioiden häiritä hyvää tarinaa... :mrgreen: ... r-fiction/